Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Upcoming Classes

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

It seems like once the 4th of July is over, the rest of the summer just flies by. It won’t be long now before school is back in session and the colder weather moves in—which will be a welcome relief from the next few weeks of sweltering heat.

Here at the PVLA, classes have been going strong all summer long, and that’s not going to stop in the next few months. In addition to our regular classes, we’ve also got some new classes in the works. These include the following:

Integration Class

Beginning in the middle of August, the goal of the Integration Class is to help transition newcomers to the area into their new community. The classes will be offered twice a week and are 1 hour long. They are designed to provide basic information such as where and how to apply for jobs, how to find doctors and dentists and make appointments, how to navigate the community, and how to open a bank account, among others.

Living in the U.S. can be advantageous, but there can also be culture shock when an individual first moves into a new community. Integration classes can help reduce fears and anxieties and put a person on the path to success. With a stable foundation and the right information, newcomers will have what they need to live the life they’ve been dreaming of.

Basic Computer Class

Don’t forget that our regular classes include Citizenship, Conversational English, and Book Club. If you need some assistance filling out applications or putting together resumes, we also have one-on-one employment skills training. Contact the office to make an appointment!

If any of these new classes seem interesting, let us know by filling out the form on the right, sending us an email, or calling the main office.

It still may be summer, but it’s never too early to start thinking about your educational goals!

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