Tuesday, October 31, 2023

CCC Makes Changes to ESL Classes Schedule

In an effort to ensure we are providing the best learning opportunities for our students, CCC Adult Education has changed their ESL classes schedule to semesters.

What Does this Mean?

Originally, when anyone would walk through the door at the PVLA, CCC would enroll them in a class—no matter the time of year.

While this wasn’t detrimental, it wasn’t always beneficial. There could be times when new students would join a class every week. If that happened, instructors would have to get the new students caught up, which meant that individuals who had been in the class for a while found themselves going backwards, which could be incredibly frustrating. It was also hard for the instructors to teach lessons in a sequential order because they would never know who would be in class.

What Are the Benefits of Semester Classes?

There are many benefits to changing the class schedule to semesters, including ensuring that lessons are taught in a logical, sequential manner that allows students to learn more. There is also less stress on the instructor because they have a better idea of whom to expect in class from week to week. While new students are always appreciated, having them join at random intervals makes it challenging to keep every student on the same page.

Enrolling students for a semester can also improve class attendance, which is essential when it comes to learning a new language.

What Does the Process Look Like?

The process for enrolling students in a CCC Adult Education class requires taking a test to see what level the student is at. Once a level has been determined, they are then placed in an ESL class that will best suit their learning needs.

Since switching to semester enrollment, this testing happens twice a year. Students are scheduled to come in on a specific day and complete the language assessment on a computer.

After the student has attended 40 hours of class instruction, they are then tested again to see if they have made a level move. Eventually, they will test out of ESL classes and be able to move on to other class options, including GED classes.

Striving for Student Success

The goal of both CCC Adult Education and the PVLA is to ensure that our students are successful in their endeavors. We are always looking for ways to best serve student needs. By changing the ESL classes schedule to a semester format, the hope is that students will attend classes regularly, which could help them gain more from the instruction and improve their English-speaking abilities.

Of course, there are some drawbacks, including the fact that individuals have to wait for a new semester to start before they can start taking classes—especially if they try to register in the middle of a semester. When that happens, they have several options, including attending PVLA classes; we do not have semester enrollment. We take students at any time throughout the year.

By working together, CCC and PVLA have been able to help many students achieve their goals. We are always looking for ways to be flexible and meet the needs of our students, and so far, semester ESL classes have been appreciated by both students and instructors.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Upcoming Fall Classes at the PVLA

Here at the PVLA, we are excited to announce that we have TWO upcoming classes. One is a quick, 7-week Conversational Spanish class, and the other is a 6-week American Sign Language class.

There is a cost associated with the Conversational Spanish class, and we will need a minimum of 10 students to register for this class to be a go. If the end of the year doesn’t work for you, don’t fret! We’ll be offering a longer (12-weeks) class after the New Year.

We’re super excited to be able to bring you the American Sign Language class. There is no minimum number of students for this class, and we only ask that you consider donating $20 to attend. There are multiple ways to pay, including bringing cash or a check to the first class, or by going to our online donation site.

We can’t wait to see you in class!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A New Way to Support the PVLA

Here at the PVLA, we are always looking for ways to best serve the community. In most cases, that applies to the classes we offer, but it goes beyond that. To best serve our students, we need to ensure we have enough funds.

When it comes to donations, no amount is too small. From $5 to $500, any money we receive benefits students. To ensure our donors can get us those funds, we have a new online giving page.

Whether you want to give a general donation or want to become a Snack Sponsor, you can now achieve your goals quickly and easily through our giving site.

Don’t worry: if you prefer to send in paper checks, you still have that option as well. However, we hope you’ll at least check out our new giving site and let us know what you think!

A Reminder of What the PVLA Does

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