Monday, December 16, 2024

New Jobs for the New Year

Photo by Linda Eller-Shein

The PVLA will be adding two new classes to the roster in 2025, and we are looking for instructors for these positions. The details are included below, as are the links to apply on Indeed.

These positions may be contract and a limited number of hours per week, but you can make a huge impact on students' lives. We hope you'll consider working for us!

Classes start in February 2025. Pay for both positions is $21.75/hour.

Introductory ESL Instructor

You do not need to be bilingual to teach this class. Teaching experience is not required but beneficial.

A high school diploma or equivalent is required, while any level of college education is preferred. 

The Introductory ESL class gives adult students the foundation they need to learn the English language. The 1-hour weekly class is designed to provide basic information such as teaching students the alphabet, numbers, colors, and how to introduce themselves, among others.

The classes are centered around 12 lessons, which are taught on a continuous loop throughout the year. Curriculum is available, so instructors do not have to develop lessons from scratch.

The class meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00 am at the Family Resource Center, 3020 18th St, Columbus, NE.

Interested? Apply on Indeed.

Integration and Introductory ESL Class Instructor

You do not need to be bilingual to teach this class. Teaching experience is not required but beneficial.

A high school diploma or equivalent is required, while any level of college education is preferred. Pay rate is $21.75/hour.

The goal of the Integration Class is to help transition newcomers to the area into their new community. The class is designed to provide basic information such as where and how to apply for jobs, how to find doctors and dentists and make appointments, how to navigate the community, and how to open a bank account, among others.

In addition to learning how to live in the new community, for individuals who have no to low English-speaking skills, the Introductory ESL class gives adult students the foundation they need to learn the English language.

The classes are centered around 12 lessons, which are taught on a continuous loop throughout the year. Curriculum is available, so instructors do not have to develop lessons from scratch.

The class meets for 2 hours on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 at the Family Resource Center, 3020 18th St, Columbus, NE.

Intrigued? Apply on Indeed.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Apple Tasting with Family Learning

On November 21, the Family Learning class participated in apple tasting. The purpose of this event was to expose students to a variety of different apples (there are so many!) and to help them learn new vocabulary words that are associated with foods.

It was so much fun being part of this event. There were 5 different apple options to choose from, including red delicious, golden delicious, Granny Smith, Braeburn, and fuji.

One might think that all apples taste the same, but that’s far from the truth—and some are more delicious than others! It was delightful watching the students try apples and react to them. They also did a really good job of using their new vocabulary words.

Here are some pictures from the apple tasting for your viewing pleasure!

Golden delicious apples were not his favorite! 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Cultural Conversations with the Community

On November 19, 2024, Central Community College (CCC) Adult Education hosted a Cultural Conversations with the Community event.

Students enrolled in ESL classes created poster boards about their life, and community members were invited to ask questions and learn about what brought these students to Columbus.

Two sessions were held: one in the morning, and one in the evening. These coincided with the times that the ESL classes are offered at CCC. Students at each of the levels (1/2, 3/4, and 5/6) had created boards and were available to speak to others.

The event was made possible by a mini-grant from Central Community College and funding from the Columbus Area United Way.

The Cultural Conversations with the Community went incredibly well. It was so inspiring and heartwarming to witness the interactions and hear the students speak about their lives. Here are some photos from the morning session of the event:

Is it Too Late to Register for ESL Classes?

The newest semester of ESL classes started last week on January 6th, and CCC’s ESL classes are full! Since the semester has started, you m...