Monday, August 26, 2024

Getting Back Into a School Schedule

School started last week, and for most of us (parents), that’s a good thing. There’s something to be said about having a schedule and knowing that kids are keeping busy.

However, there can also be challenges that arise at the beginning of the school year—with the biggest being getting back on a schedule. Summer was free and fun, so having to go to bed at a specific time and getting up early can sound absolutely terrible.

Not only do kids get exhausted by this change, but school can be exhausting for parents as well. It takes a lot of energy and effort to get kids up and moving in the morning, in addition to picking them up after school and taking them to activities and/or helping them with homework.

Everyone may find themselves dragging and feeling grumpy the first few weeks of school.

Thankfully, there are some things you can do to get back into a school schedule. Here are some tips:

1. Be Consistent

One of the reasons summer is so magical (and chaotic) is because for many people, the schedule is wide open and flexible. Kids get to stay up late and sleep in. Families go on vacation and/or spend their days outside enjoying the weather.

Once school starts, that flexibility is thrown out the window. Kids and parents have to be somewhere at a specific time, which more than likely means waking up to alarms and getting a ton of stuff done before walking out of the house.

At night, there’s still a ton of stuff that needs to be done before going to bed.

Being consistent can help with the transition back to a school schedule. While no one may want to get up super early each morning, do. Then, do the same things day after day—whatever that looks like.

You also want to make sure you leave the house at the same time each day. That keeps everyone in the family moving so that they can get the day started.

Consistency at the end of the day is just as important. Over the summer, open schedules mean being outside late into the evening or watching YouTube videos for hours on end. With school in session, there is more than likely homework and other activities that keep students and parents busy. Keeping a schedule ensures that everything gets done and everyone gets to bed at a decent hour.

2. Save Some Free Time

Not only is it important to stay consistent with your schedule, but you also want to make sure you and your family have some free time. It’s much too easy to cram your schedule full of all the things—from sports to music to tutoring to whatever! However, the busier you make your schedule, the sooner everyone becomes exhausted.

Free time gives everyone a break. You know your family best, so you decide how much free time is necessary for everyone to recharge and have a little fun. You can schedule free time each and every day, or you can save it all up for the weekend—whatever works best for you!

3. Use Your Resources

Transitioning from summer back to school can be a trying time for everyone, which means that you aren’t alone when it comes to feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. No one said you had to go through that alone. That’s when using your resources can be beneficial.

What does that mean, exactly?

Well, it will be different for everyone. Maybe it means talking to some other parents and setting up a shuttle service. Ride-sharing can reduce a lot of stress and make sure everyone shows up to where they need to be on time.

For those who work late, finding a trusted babysitter can reduce a lot of worries and ensure their kids are safe.

Maybe you struggle helping your kiddo with school assignments, so finding a tutor can be beneficial for you and your child.

The scenarios are endless when it comes to needs, but know that for most concerns you have, there is a solution, as long as you ask.

Falling Back Into Routine

While the first few weeks of school may seem incredibly hectic, thankfully it doesn’t take long to fall back into a routine. Soon, everyone will be used to the new school schedule and days will flow smoothly.

Until then, do what you can to keep your head above water. You’ve got this!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Conversational Spanish on Your Schedule

This fall, the PVLA will be offering a new way for people to learn conversational Spanish. Instead of attending a set number of classes at a specific time for a certain number of weeks, you’ll be able to access a Conversational Spanish Tutor and learn on your own terms!

The only thing that’s “set in stone” is the number of weeks and the number of hours per week. Otherwise, you choose the day and time that works best for you.

The number of hours per week that you’ll need to commit to is 2, and the packages you can choose from include the following:

  • 4 weeks (2 hours each week for a total of 8 hours of instruction) = $174
  • 6 weeks (2 hours each week for a total of 12 hours of instruction) = $261
  • 8 weeks (2 hours each week for a total of 16 hours of instruction) = $348
  • 12 weeks (2 hours each week for a total of 24 hours of instruction) = $522

How Does the Process Work?

You’ll contact the executive director of the PVLA and let her know which package you would prefer, along with some times during the week you’d like to meet for instruction. She’ll send you an invoice, then find a tutor that can accommodate your learning needs.

Once payment has been received and a tutor has been found, you’ll be contacted with a start date.

Please note: class sessions can be taken at days/times that are convenient for you; however, they are nontransferable/nonrefundable and have to be used within a calendar year of purchase.

Who Will be the Tutors?

You can rest assured knowing that the tutors for this class will be native Spanish speakers. They will include members of the community, as well as current students. 

Whether you have no Spanish-speaking experience or know some words and phrases, you’ll get a tutor that can help you improve your abilities and feel more confident when it comes to speaking to employees, clients, or members of the community.

Got questions? Ready to sign up? Contact Jessica at pvlacolumbusne @ (don't forget to remove the spaces!) or 402-562-1474.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Meet The T-Shirt Design Winner

Tammi Gotschall (CCC ESL instructor and PVLA board member) presents Alexei
with his check for winning the PVLA T-shirt design contest.

The winner of the T-shirt design contest was Alexei Mendez Silva. Alexei is originally from Cuba, and he decided to design a T-shirt because he wanted to be involved in this institution (the PVLA) and to represent the New Americans.

He picked this particular design because he feels that it represents the education and dedication that the PVLA offers.

His hopes and dreams for the future are to join healthcare. 

In his own words: "I am thankful for everything PVLA has done for me, not only in my educational goals but my personal growth as well."

Support Alexei and Other Students

If you'd like to support Alexei and the other students who attend CCC and PVLA classes, please consider buying a T-shirt. They can be found online at Custom Ink.

Monday, August 5, 2024

And the Winner Is…

Photo by Anomaly on Unsplash

It started with an idea.

Here at Platte Valley Literacy, we knew we wanted to create t-shirts to share our mission with the world, but we couldn't figure out what to include. We wracked our brain, then decided that the best people to help with this endeavor were members of the community. How do they view us? What do they imagine when they think of Platte Valley Literacy?

We decided to have a contest.

Back in June, we put out a call to members of the community to design a T-shirt for the PVLA. Two answered the call, and their designs were amazing.

 In July, we then asked for votes to determine which design people liked the most, and the community voted.

We think the design perfectly captures what Platte Valley Literacy is about, and by purchasing and wearing these shirts proudly, you let everyone know that you support adult education and want to empower individuals to reach their educational goals.

Prizes for Participants

Both of the design participants win prizes, with first place getting $100 and their design on a shirt, while second place gets $50.

Everyone else gets a prize too, as they have the opportunity to purchase the winning t-shirt.

If you’d like to add this amazing shirt to your collection, you can order it from Custom Ink. This is part of a fundraiser, so the PVLA receives a portion of the sales.

This contest was a lot of fun. It was amazing to see the designs. We’re pretty sure people enjoyed being able to vote for their favorite. Hopefully, they’ll also enjoy wearing this shirt.

The Second Session of Introductory ESL

Thanks to a grant from Tyson , the PVLA was able to offer an Introductory ESL class. The first 12-week session was held from March 21st to J...